When to apply

Registration period

Applications for admission in the second semester of 2025 will be open for the Doctoral and Direct Doctoral programs from 1 to 31 March 2025 (until 11:59 pm, Brasília time). The admission committee will not review late applications and submission of materials.

Application instructions

Candidates must apply exclusively by e-mail. Scan all application materials into PDF format and send them to inscricao.pg.esalq@usp.br in a single email, following the instructions below:

1. Make sure you have all to materials together before you apply.

2. The documents must be legible. Use a scanner or a document scanning application instead of photographing the documents. Remember that a committee will review the materials. If PDF is not an option, make sure you convert them into a readable format as this could compromise their assessment.

3. Name and number your files after the names of the documents as they appear in the list of application materials.
I.e.: 1. Application form, 2. Graduation Transcript, 3. Graduation Diploma, 4. Master's Transcript, 5. Research Plan, etc.

4. In the subject line, type the name of the Graduate Program and degree to which you are applying.
I.e.: Genetics and Plant Breeding (Doctorate)

5. Enter your full name in the body of the email. There is no need to compose a message.

Ten working days after registration closes, applicants will be able to check here the list of applications received by the Graduate Studies Office.